These are unprecedented times and really the least we can do for one another is uplift and support from a safe distance. Until now, you’ve read what the Nykaa Fashion staffers were up to but we didn’t think that was enough and because we believe everyone can use some extra motivation from the creative powerhouses of the country, we thought of reaching out to some of our ace designers and finding out what they we’re up to while being quarantined in their homes. Here’s what they had to say…

“Quarantine has given me a moment to pause and introspect. I have the time to rethink, learn, sketch and get inspired all over again. Like many, I was caught up in this grind- stressing about deadlines, putting out fires and the urge to constantly reinvent- it would take up all my time. While I always journal and jot down ideas that inspire me at work, I decided to continue writing thoughts down at home too. But this time, I felt the need to concentrate on self-growth and the future of my brand. From plans to build a mindful business to even just the feeling I get from listening to a song, I’ve scribbled it all in my book. It has made me feel less anxious about the uncertainty this situation brings. I urge people to take time and put pen to paper. It’s given me perspective. Lastly, I also enjoy some downtime with my dog and binge watch shows.”
– Rocky Star

“The idea that we may never go back to what we considered normal ever again has made me think a lot about the future for the company as well as my family. I’ve been taking one day at a time. I’ve been spending a lot of time in the kitchen as I now have my 11-year-old and my husband at home and since we have sent away our cook of eight years who is a part time helper for the time being. I spend some time each day checking my mails, social media handles, watching the news and getting some work done from home. I’ve also been cleaning wardrobes and areas I had no time to look into in the past. My evenings are spent playing a game or watching a movie with the family so that the heaviness of the reality can disappear for a bit – these activities are very important for my son who is being home schooled at the moment. I have also found time to read and focus on my health once again.”
– Payal Singhal

“My biggest takeaway from being quarantined is this: Enjoy maximal living with minimal resources. Guiltily I’m also enjoying this new slow pace that we are now being forced to live with. More time to think, more time to make and do things for yourself and more time to work on yourself. I’ve re- discovered the joy of cooking and waking up without an alarm. To keep ourselves sane, my design team and I have taken a conscious decision to take out an hour each for our mind and body. I spend a minimum hour reading up on Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism which I’ve been procrastinating for a while and make sure I don’t miss my skype workout with my trainer.”
– Shweta Kapur, 431-88

“The lockdown we face today is in fact almost as big a challenge as that of the virus itself. Much is compounding worldwide as we quietly sit back and watch. On some days, I feel spiritually elated with my physical yoga flow; on some days, I enjoy working out with my 23-year-old and the pleasures of sweating it out together and imparting mutual motivation as we stay home in this reality together. I look forward to each evening of endless Netflix binging with my beloved; indulging in varied flavors of coffee in my treasured collection of porcelain and china cups. It makes me count my blessings even more. When did we last spend so much time together over magnanimous historic anecdotes, crime thrillers or real-life biographies?! I am enjoying this ‘moment of pause’. I am not looking for any revelations or outlining any business strategies; I am simply in the present making a prayer that each day unfolds with all our loved ones enduring good strength and spirits.”
– Sagrika Rai, Warp n’ Weft

“There’s a lot that this downtime is teaching me. To begin with, I think there’s no time like this to reflect on what it means to be alive and to think ourselves as a community where we help each other. It is this thought that pushes me to motivate and care for my team and the people around me every single day. The other very important lesson that this lockdown has imparted on me is to continue carrying on with my life with the thought that ‘this too shall pass’ and that I have been through tough times before so I will grow out of this too! On the daily during this lockdown, you’ll find me trying new things, acquiring new skills that may not necessarily relate with what I do. also believe in the adage that a sound mind is in a sound body so I consciously squeeze in an indoors workout in my routine. Of course keep up with the news cycle from time to time but try not to get too consumed by it.”
– Narendra Kumar Ahmed, FKNS

“There are good days and bad days, when I do not feel productive at all and just want to sleep in. On the good days I’m doing a bit of reading, exercising to release the good endorphins, watching feel good movies, reading and making sure I do two video calls a day with family or friends to keep the spirits high. I also love cooking, so that’s something we all have so much time to explore now.”
– Karuna Laungani, The Jodi Life
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